At Mamatuition we see the profound impact that peace of mind and trust in ones intuition have on the ability to navigate through motherhood.
To us, mothers intuition isn’t just folklore.
It is real and it is the key to mamas knowing the best way to conceive, carry, deliver, and care for their children. It is also the guiding light that keeps mamas on track to pursue their own personal goals and find their purpose in life.
Today’s stressful world pushes us away from our intuition. It has become a habit to make decisions based on fear, avoidance, and material anxiety. It is more and more common to be clouded by the external messages we receive from society about what we need to be happy. These fear based habits and motivations diminish a mama’s physical, emotional and spiritual health.
At mamatuition we know that stress and intuition cannot coexist.
We focus on getting mamas to a place of peace so that they can reclaim their power and reconnect to their intuition.
Our collective of therapists, teachers, and healers believe it is time to bring this sixth sense and the habit of intrinsic affirmation back to the forefront. It is our purpose to guide mamas back to looking within for the answers that are best for them and their families.

A hypnotherapist, visualization expert
and the founder of Mamatuition.
In my early twenties I was single, working 50+ hours a week, stressed out, lonely, and numbing my feelings through alcohol and television. I had completely lost the connection to my intuition and I felt very alone. I was successful on the outside, busy achieving all the things society told me I needed to be happy, but miserable on the inside.
In particularly low moments I would hear faint messages about what I needed to do and they were terrifying. I knew I needed to change my life. I needed to eat healthy, exercise more, quit drinking and stop binging on mindless TV shows. I needed to learn what I actually liked to do, and who I was outside of work hours. Most importantly, I needed to love and care for myself.
Thankfully, I decided listen to this voice and begun the inner work. This process took a few years and I didn’t do it alone. I had a village of therapists, healers, and supportive family and friends by my side.
During this time I met my wonderful husband and became aware of a fierce passion for habits and realized a deep pull towards spirituality and intuition. I was searching for answers to questions about how our mind works, what makes us unique, and how we know we are on the right path.
Our intuition guides us towards what
we really want and what is best for us.

Laur's Credentials
Clinical Hypnotherapist, C.Ht.
Master of Therapeutic Imagery
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP)
Reconnective Healing Practitioner
Mental Emotional Release (MER)
HypnoBirthing® (CHBE) the Mongan Method
Hypnotherapy Certifications
Awarded from the American Hypnosis Association (AHA):
Happy and Joyous | Labor Hypnosis and Childbirth | Pain Management | ADD/ADHD Before and After Surgery | Fears and Phobias | Healing the Inner Child | Weight Loss and Control | Past Life Regression | Hypnosis and Cancer | Smoking Cessation | Sports Performance.
The answer was apparent to me over and over again. Our intuition guides us towards what we really want and what is best for us. Habits reinforce our behaviors and emotions and we can choose what we want those habits to be. Hypnotherapy and visualization became my daily tools. By cultivating a relationship with my intuition and forming habits that reinforced my new lifestyle I was navigating life’s challenges with ease. My happiness, health, relationships and professional life accelerated.
By the time I was finishing up my hypnotherapy and imagery degree, I found out I was pregnant! My ability to hear and connect with my intuition became magnified. It was crystal clear that this time period was a very special one as our intuition becomes louder and stronger.
I was immersed in weekly imagery journeys and hypnotic exercises that created a special bond between my baby and me. I felt like I really knew her before she was born and I felt guided towards how to prepare for her. Stress and fears about this big life change were replaced with trust and deep knowing. In my core I knew I was ready for her and that I could rely on my intuition to guide me towards what she needed.
I never want to be without this deeper knowing and it is my mission to help other women reclaim this birthright. Cultivating awareness and providing resources to help them reconnect, strengthen, and trust their intuition is my passion. Even more than that, I want to ensure that my children embrace, harness, and nurture this amazing gift that will serve them throughout their life.

Each member of our collective is a certified hypnotherapist with focused training on perinatal and women’s health.We have our own practices and we collaborate through Mamatuition due to our shared vision and mission for intuition, motherhood and women’s empowerment.

Laur Berman
Founder, Certified Hypnotherapist and Visualization Expert
Laur is a certified clinical hypnotherapist that specializes in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and therapeutic imagery techniques to help her clients achieve the changes they desire and access answers hidden inside. She is a mix of both head thinking and heart feeling. Her analytical side strives to understand all the research, best methods, and science-based answers for how and why alternative methods work for our minds and bodies. On the flip side, her intuitive heart-centered side guides her on what you need to make your sessions most effective.
To empower women to look inside for answers, guidance, and connection.
Take the time to tune in to yourself everyday. Make it a part of your routine – like brushing your teeth. Start with 5 minutes each day. Allowing your thoughts to flow and allowing images to emerge.
You’ll be amazed at the results.

Every member of our collective truly believes in
the power of intuition and its ability to
guide women throughout their life.
Suzi is an Honors Graduate of the nationally accredited HMI College of Hypnotherapy. A certified master of Guided Imagery, NLP, …, she applies her techniques to enable clients to challenge negative beliefs and behaviors and create positive life changes. She believes that humans have the potential to heal themselves from within. The key to unlocking that healing power is through the subconscious mind. Suzi holds positive, sacred space with her clients to encourage awareness, clarity, and healing. Suzi also uses Reiki…energy healing: mind-body connection.
To be able to serve more women who need emotional, spiritual, and soul healing. To offer an effective, complementary treatment that allows us to take charge of our thoughts and behaviors.
AREA YOU SERVE - San Fernando Valley
Remember to fill your own cup. You can’t fill anyone else’s cup if yours is empty. Honor and care of your needs as well as your child’s. In turn, you are modeling self-care and teaching your little ones to do the same.
Linda is a certified hypnotherapist that utilizes modalities in visualization, neuro-linguistic programming, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to help her clients access their own inner wisdom - enabling them to make desired changes at the subconscious level. Linda knows each client and each child is unique and special...there is no one size fits all. She uses her intuition, education and compassion to help each client find their own perfect path to gain understanding and make desired changes. Linda has a grown son, and having gone through all the stages of parenthood, has a unique understanding of what may lie ahead and considers it an honor and a privilege to be your companion as you embark on this precious journey of motherhood.
To help empower women to find their own inner voice and wisdom so they can enjoy motherhood to the fullest!
AREA YOU SERVE - The Coachella Valley
(Palm Springs to La Quinta)
When stressed or impatient, don't forget to breathe. Pause what you're doing. Instead take three cleansing breaths into your stomach with your hand on your heart. This loving care for yourself can put things back in perspective.