Why choose a HypnoBirthing® Class?
You want to enhance your awareness of your body’s natural ability
You want to increase your ability to peacefully birth your baby
You want to learn about best practices and tools to mindfully prepare
Your family wants to enhance your bond with intentional practices
You are ready to release fears, worries, and tensions about your birthing day
HypnoBirthing® leads you back to what you already know. How to instinctually give birth to the baby that your body has created. There is no wrong or right way to do it!
It's about learning to relax your mind and body while preparing for your birth!
Our Happy HypnoBirthing Students

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Class Unit Outline
Introduction to the HypnoBirthing® philosophy
The origin of instinctive birth
Your body’s powerful abilities
How to stay in your healing room
Awareness of your language, thoughts, and feelings
Speaking to your emotional mind through images
Introduction to the power of mind-body connection
Falling even more in love with your baby
Review of care providers and who is best for you
Breathing techniques for birthing
Nourishing your body for a healthy birthing
Birth companion’s role for support and care
Introduction to relaxation techniques
Preparing your body for birthing
Preparing your mind and body for birthing success
Birth preferences review
Natural ways to initiate birth
Light Touch Massage
Positions for relaxation
Relaxation deepening techniques
Releasing fears and limiting thoughts
The gifts that come prior to birth
Birthing begins – what to expect
How can the birth companion help
Birth explained
Using your BRAIN
Class role plays
Hallmarks of birth
Birth rehearsal visualization
Breathing love and bringing life
The birthing phase
Positions for baby
Positions for mama
Review of breathing
The final act, birth perfect design
The first breastfeeding
The birth afterglow

Sarah H.
"My husband and I participated in Laur’s 5 week Hypnobirthing program, and we didn’t want it to end! Each week we looked forward to connecting with the other parents-to-be, and learning about the techniques that are going to help us have a natural, healthy, beautiful birth of our first child.
During the 5 weeks, the special breathing techniques, meditations and self-hypnosis eradicated any fears or previous notions we had about our birthing day. I can confidently say that I feel so calm, well prepared, and ready to bring our baby into this world. I feel like I have the tools and confidence to have an enjoyable and relaxed birth. Laur has a wonderful way of relaxing you during the sessions, a beautiful and calming voice during our exercises, and just an all-around loving nature about her."
Jordis S.
"My husband and I took Lauren's HypnoBirthing class and it was amazing. The tools we learned have helped give me confidence in myself and my body as well as prepare my husband for what is to come. We have yet to give birth but I feel great knowing what I have learned about the Hypno method of birthing. I would recommend this class to any mom hoping to have a natural birth. Everything we learned makes perfect sense, the power of the mind body connection is amazing and I am excited for the birth of our baby."

I'm Laur Berman, C.Ht.
I'm a mama of two beautiful little girls, as well as a clinical hypnotherapist C.Ht.
I'm a master of therapeutic visual imagery, and a certified practitioner of mental-emotional release, neuro-linguistic programming, and Marie Mongan HypnoBirthing®
I strongly believe from firsthand experience that the skill of learning to relax your mind and body has a significant positive impact on your birthing day (not to mention on the wellbeing of your beautiful baby). As a clinical hypnotherapist, all of my classes and sessions are facilitated with an emphasis on your ability to learn to deeply relax, connect within, and allow yourself to be free of fears, doubts, and external pressure.
Birth is a journey and your ability to stay calm, relaxed,
and in a state of trust for baby and body is key.
My intention for my clients is to give them the tools they need to go as far as they want to go on their birthing day using the power of their mind and body. My emphasis is placed on what feels best for you mentally, physically, and emotionally. I'd be honored to guide you through this empowering transformation.
Join today to get access to a class that will transform your entire birthing experience.