The research and evidence supporting the benefits of hypnotherapy and guided imagery throughout the motherhood journey are rich and multifaceted. Combined with understanding the negative side effects that stress and anxiety have on a woman’s ability to conceive, carry, connect, and deliver, it is clear that these methods have a lasting positive impact.

Lower Stress and Anxiety
Stress can negatively impact the motherhood journey. Research has shown that hypnotherapy can significantly improve, comfort, and decrease depression, anxiety, and stress (1). The state of deep relaxation and wellbeing created by hypnotherapy has also been shown to reduce fetal stress (3) and guided imagery has been shown to decrease fetal heart rate (4). It is a safe, natural alternative to treating anxiety associated with procedures and surgeries (4), as well as, anxiety-related disorders (2).

Closer Connection
A mother’s ability to connect with her baby while pregnant can positively influence and impact her interaction with the baby after birth (6). Connection during pregnancy led to even more positive interactions after birth, aiding in infant learning and development. Guided imagery is a recommended method to enhance the maternal-fetal attachment (7).

Restful Sleep
Hypnotherapy has a positive impact on the quality of sleep and provides opportunities to improve sleep without the use of medication. It can also help balance hormone levels to produce a more stable pattern of sleep (8). Additionally, hypnotherapy has been shown as an efficient solution to sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, sleep-eating, nightmares, night terrors, bedwetting, teeth grinding, sleep talking, and restless leg syndrome (9).

Increased Health
Research has shown that hypnotherapy and guided imagery are able to reduce negative health affects and improve vitality (10). They enhance immune system functions leading to fewer infections, improved moods, and reduced levels of depression and anxiety (11). This is especially beneficial in pregnant woman as the deep relaxation reduces stress and improves pregnancy outcomes (12). Overall, the research indicates that these modalities improve health and quality of life (13).

Reduced Pain and Labor Length
Women who use hypnotherapy require significantly less pain medication (15) and report less severe labor pains (14). Their fears and anxieties are substantially alleviated which allow labor and delivery to progress more quickly (17). They have a speedier recovery after labor and were found to return to work and other activities faster (16).

Enhanced Focus and Performance
Hypnotherapy and guided imagery have a profound impact on the ability to eliminate exam anxiety and improve scholastic performance among children (18). Research found that children had reduced over activity, improved attentiveness, and improved grades. They were able to focus and exclude detractor (19). Additionally, hypnotherapy was also found to effectively treat adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (20).

Faster Recovery
It has been concluded that hypnotherapy can significantly accelerate the healing process after surgery (21) and that it should be used with all surgical patients (22).Patients utilizing hypnotherapy report feeling less pain and require significantly less medication after surgery (23).

It has been concluded that hypnotherapy can significantly accelerate the healing process after surgery (21) and that it should be used with all surgical patients (22).Patients utilizing hypnotherapy report feeling less pain and require significantly less medication after surgery (23).

The American Health Magazine conducted a study to test the effectiveness of psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy, and hypnotherapy. The study, conducted by Alfred A. Barrios, concluded that for changing habits, thought patterns, and behavior, hypnosis was the most effective and took less time than other forms of therapy. The results:
93% of people recovered after only 6 sessions
72% recovered after 22 sessions
38% recovered after 600 sessions
Hypnosis is a scientifically validated tool for creating positive change and transformation.
It helps you align your beliefs and values to be congruent with where you want to be so that they motivate you forward in your life.
What is Hypnosis?
Think of hypnosis as a natural learning tool. A very effective, fast, and easy, way to learn new behaviors and reprogram your subconscious mind. It is a state of deep relaxation in which your subconscious mind is highly receptive to positive suggestions and new associations. Every day we enter the state of hypnosis when we first wake up and right before we fall asleep. Some of us enter hypnosis during the day while we watch TV, drive our cars, go for a run, or take in a beautiful setting. It is a natural state that we all experience. During hypnosis you feel very aware and very present. It is a calming state created in a controlled environment where you are guided with love and positivity to make the changes your desire.
Why Choose Hypnosis?
Did you know that most of us are only able to consciously access and influence about 12% of our mind to help us make decisions, take action, and create new behaviors? The other 88% consists of our subconscious mind and most of your behavioral programming, beliefs, and values were implanted here before you reached 9 years old. Let me repeat this; 88% of your thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs and behaviors are pre-programmed from when you were a child and they run on autopilot. We cannot communicate directly with our subconscious so it’s no wonder why it’s hard to change a habit or a behavior! Through the use of hypnosis I am able to help you access the 88%. I am able to get your subconscious on the same page with what you want, how you want to behave, and the changes you want to make to positively improve your life. It is a safe, natural, and truly effective choice for making change in the 88%.
What is Guided Imagery?
Imagery is the natural language of the subconscious mind and when an imagery process is being experienced a client is in a state of hypnosis.Imagery is referred to as the Rosetta Stone of our mind, body, and spirit.Another way to think of imagery is as a diagnostic tool that helps scan our operating system to let us know if there are any areas that need tending. It enables us to decode and interpret what is really going on in our lives as it is a portal for self-discovery, creativity, and healing.Imagery is an experience that involves all of our senses including emotions to help us discover and bring up subconscious information and symbols to conscious awareness.Everyone has their own unique symbols based on their life experience and discovering these can help a client move forward on their path to change and healing.Guided Imagery is the conscious reworking of the images and their associations in our mind.It is an efficient and powerful tool to bypass conscious resistance to change and enter a state of acceptance.The ability to interact and use our imagination can change our world and how we live in it!
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
NLP is a method of influencing our mind through the use of language and communication. It enables us to reprogram how our brain responds to current stimuli and create new positive behaviors. NLP incorporates hypnosis and self-hypnosis to more effectively achieve the change or programming that is wanted. It is an interpersonal approach that incorporates communication, personal development, and positive behavior models to create self-awareness and drive change in current patterns. NLP takes you to the root of understanding behavior and enables you to tap into the experience you want to achieve. It allows you to have more control over your emotional states, empowering you to easily change your attitude and perspective. It builds confidence in social settings and empowers you to have rapport and connection with others. Additionally, it is an effective tool for motivating yourself and others as it encompasses powerful persuasion techniques.
1. Apóstolo, J.L.A, & Kolcaba, K. (2009). The Effects of Guided Imagery on Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress of Psychiatric Inpatients with Depressive Disorders. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 23(6), 403-411.
2. Hammond, D.C. (2010). Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 10(2), 263-273.
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7. Kordi, M., Fasanghari, M., Asgharipour, N., Esmaily, H. (2016). Effect of Guided Imagery on Maternal Fetal Attachment in Nulliparous Women with Unplanned Pregnancy. Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health., 4 (4), 723- 731. DOI:10.22038/jmrh.2016.7554
8. Cordi, M.J., Schlarb, A.A., & Rasch, B. (2014). Deepening Sleep by Hypnotic Suggestion. Sleep, 37(6), 1143-1152.
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11. Gruzelier, J.H., (2001). A Review of the Impact of Hypnosis, Relaxation, Guided Imagery and Individual Differences on Aspects of Immunity and Health. Stress, 5(2), 147-163.
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